
On November 6, 1970, a group of twenty dynamic women shared the objectives of Jack and Jill Founders and chartered the Inglewood Chapter. Near the precipice of the Civil Rights Movement both nationally and here in California, the Inglewood chapter was the 140th chapter to seek and achieve provisional chapter status during the Nineteenth National Convention in Dallas, Texas July 13-17, 1970. Aware of the moment of the movement our charter mothers sought to be active in a national organization making positive changes in the lives of not only their own children but all children.
The Inglewood Chapter is geographically situated in Inglewood, California. The city is just southwest of Downtown Los Angeles and is home of the City of Champions Stadium and Los Angeles Rams NFL team. Members are drawn from the areas bound on the north by Slauson Avenue, south by Imperial Highway, west by the Pacific Ocean and east by the nearest chapter east, which is currently the Pomona Area Chapter.
The goals of the Inglewood Chapter are:
Development and Enrichment of our Children, Families and Community
Meaningful and Innovative Children’s Programming
Community Involvement through Service and Financial Support
To this end, for over a decade, the Inglewood Chapter has partnered with the Midnight Mission Inglewood Housing Program to provide financial, material, and moral support to the families residing at the apartment complex. The complex is situated within the city and has capacity to accommodate families that are either homeless or near homeless.
The Inglewood Chapter has become a second family to the staff and families of the program, always at the ready to provide support, attend events, and bridge relationships with mothers and children in the program. Mothers of the Inglewood Chapter seek for the children residing in the Midnight Inglewood Housing Program the same opportunities afforded their own children. Other past community organizations the chapter has supported include: Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc., Great Beginnings for Black Babies and March of Dimes.
Mothers of the Inglewood Chapter have also participated fully in Regional and National events and meetings by jointly hosting Regional Conferences with area chapters, organizing Area Work Days as well as Children’s Cluster.
The Chapter served on the 42nd National Convention Far West Region host committee and assisted with the “Power to Lead Summit” as well as mother centered workshops. Also, at this past National Convention in Palm Desert, CA, during the Regional Breakfast, the Chapter was recognized for its “Superior Handbook” rating as well as the “Best in the West” Civic Programming for its “Project CAPS College Day”, where the chapter partnered with Loyola Marymount University’s “First to Go” – first generation college students program to offer middle school students from underserved backgrounds, college workshops and tours.
Also, the Chapter has historically and enthusiastically supported our philanthropic arm, Jack and Jill Foundation with fundraising events such as “Can We Talk” women’s issues forums, “White Party” evening affairs and “Day at the Derby” luncheons. However, we are most proud of our children, teens, alumni and the children in the community we impact for our true legacy lays in their collective resilience and achievement. We have the Power to develop strong young leaders and we will!